Welcome home!
You are likely here because you are in the midst of deconstructing your faith; reconciling your beautiful heart and spirit with long-held religious beliefs. Maybe you are also here because you are part of the LGBTQ+ community; or the parent, family member, or ally of someone who is.
Your experience with the nonaffirming church has probably been difficult, and so you have begun this journey. You're not alone, we are here beside you. We will help you reconcile deeply held issues of faith with the truth that you or your family member are absolutely beloved.
Let's go on the adventure together and we will help set your heart free to love and be loved. It's what you deserve.
This is a fully affirming, inclusive, safe space.
Vibrant Community
A Place of Belonging
You may be the parent of an LGBTQ+ child, you may be part of that beautiful LGBTQ+ community, or you may be a family member or ally. In any case, we have a fully affirming, inclusive place where you can connect, support, be supported, grow, and free your heart to love and be loved - as you deserve!
A place to be heard and understood.
A place to belong!
Connect with us!
Susan's TED Talk
More than 5 Million Views!
"She stood on stage in front of over 5,000 people. She told of a phone call she received where her life changed forever. It was her daughter on the other end, “Mom, I think I am bisexual." She turned to her church, her community, for support. She was told that she had to choose between her church or her daughter. Her voice cracked as she shared of the life she knew dissolving. She loves her community and she loves her daughter. She paused on stage, all 5,000 of us collectively held our breath. With tears in her eyes she said, "I chose my child!” The room exploded with applause."